
Saturday, December 13, 2014

Night Trap

Console:  Sega CD
Year:  1992
Company:  Digital Pictures/Sega
Plot: As an official member of S.C.A.T. (Sega Control Attack Team) your mission's a time-bomb. Five beautiful co-eds are being stalked in an eerie estate. Hooded intruders are invading the mansion with blood on their minds.

Night Trap is one of those games that sucks from a gamer perspective.  The same could be said for most fmv games, but if you can get past the gritty pixelated video a true horror story lies beneath.

The gameplay uses a series of hidden cameras to spy on a slumber party infested with vampires.  You set traps to capture these creature of the night and hope your party girls make it out alive.

Night Trap happens to be one of the games that lead to the esrb rating put on all games due to the excessive violence found within.   I imagine their heads would have exploded if they played phantasmagoria.

Dig That Cat...He's Real Gone

Series:  Tales From The Crypt
Year:  1989
Season 01 - Episode 3
Plot:  A carnival showman is buried alive for his grand finale. Through flashback he tells the viewers how he was formerly a homeless man who underwent a doctor's experiment to transfer a cat's nine lives to him.

Dig That Cat happens to be the first episode that runs through my mind when someone brings up Tales From The Crypt.  Maybe it's because it was the first episode on a 6 hour vhs tape full of the Cryptkeeper that my father made for me as a kid, or maybe the idea of stealing lives from a cat is so kooky that it made the episode truly stand out.  
The plot is ripped directly from pages of the haunt of fear, and holds up pretty solid next to the comic even quoting it a few times.  Haunt Of Fear always had my favorite stories out of the three which is another reason this episode has stuck around in my brain for so long.  And now for your viewing pleasure... Dig That Cat...He's Real Gone.

Thursday, December 11, 2014


Director:  Frank Henenlotter
Year:  1990
Plot:  A medical student sets out to recreate his decapitated fiancee by building her a new body made of Manhattan street hookers.
A personal fave of mine Frankenhooker has it all.  mad scientists, super crack, exploding prostitutes, and a pimp named Zorro.  what's not to love.  Definitely one of my top ten favorite horror comedies ever made.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Monster Party

Console:  NES
Year:  1989
Company:  Bandai
Plot:  The creature explained that Mark's bat was the perfect weapon for defeating the evil monsters. Mark considered the creature's proposal for a minute, then agreed to undertake the dangerous mission. After all, he thought, it sure beats going to school!

Monster Party!!!!!

So weird its good.  Beating shit with a baseball bat never felt so good.

 Oh yea, you also turn into some sort of flying demon to help fuck shit up if a bat wasn't already good enough.


So I am starting up this horror blog because i noticed a lack a good horror movie blogs with a focus in the classics.  I will be reviewing horror movies, tv shows, games, and merchandise, so stay tuned for future updates.